- with the North Sea as its nearest neighbour.

The lighthouses have for centuries acted as shepherds of the sea and illuminated a safe sea route from sea to port. Until recently, the lighthouse keepers and their families have kept the lights onlit, in what was their home. They lived a special life on the border between sea and land, with weather and wind close to their bodies.Life could be so peaceful on fine days, but sometimes huge waves washed over the lighthouse, giving everyday life a dramatic feel. Modern technology has made the lighthouse keepers redundant. But most of the lighthouses are still standing and shining, some tall and majestic, others are more like large cabins with powerful outdoor lighting. Today, it is possible to visit many of the disused railway stations in Rogaland, some of which even offer accommodation. These guys are living witnesses of the times who convey unique stories from another time and a different existence.
Rogaland is a focal point of lighthouse history in Norway, and Tungenes lighthouse stands out in particular in this context.In the environment around this lighthouse, since the 1980s, work has been carried out systematically with lighthouse historical research and dissemination. Today, Tungenes lighthouse is part of the Norwegian Coastal Administration's agency museum - Kystverkmusea - together with Lindesnes lighthouse, Dalsfjord lighthouse museum and the Lofoten museum.
“A chain of lighthouses - Eigerøy lighthouse, Kvassheim lighthouse, Kvitsøy lighthouse, Obrestad lighthouse, Tungenes lighthouse, Utsira lighthouse.”
EIGERØY LIGHTHOUSE Preserved lighthouse from 1854. Open lighthouse and cafe with simple service - every Sunday during the school's summer holidays, at12.00 – 17.00. The caretaker's residence is rented out all year round outside of opening hours. Contact Eigersund municipality on tel.51 46 80 00 or check www.eigersund.kommune.no for more information and updated opening hours.
KVASSHEIM LIGHTHOUSE Lighthouse building from 1912. Exhibitions in the lighthouse keeper's residence and simple cafe in the Maskinhuset, no obligation to purchase. Open: January - November: Sundays and public holidays at 11-16.24. 6 - 16. 8 weekdays (not Saturday) at 11 - 16. The machine house can be rented for events outside opening hours. Accommodation for approx. 12 people in Assistant accommodation See Jæren outdoor council www.jarenfri.no. for more information. E-mail: post@jarenfri.no
KVITSØY LIGHTHOUSE Originally tilting lighthouse from 1700, which in 1829 was replaced with a18 m high hexagonal lighthouse with a coal flare on top. Building as it is today from 1859. The lighthouse is listed and is the oldest operating lighthouse in the country. Open for tours on Sundays in the period 21.06-16.08 at 13-15.In July, it is also open on Saturdays at 13-15. Contact Kvitsøy municipality for more information; www.kvitsoy.kommune.no
OBRESTAD LIGHTHOUSE Protected lighthouse from 1873. Exhibitions and accommodation. Operated by Hå old Vicarage nearby.The lighthouse museum is open on Sundays from 3 May. In July it is open every day except Mondays. Contact Hå old Vicarage tel.: +47 51 79 16 60 or www.hagamleprestegard.no for more information.
TUNGENES LIGHTHOUSE Protected lighthouse in Randaberg from 1862. Exhibitions, tours, concerts and other cultural events in a distinctive hiking area. Possibility of rental for events. Opening hours: 12-4 pm every Sunday from February to November, and every day during the school holidays. Contact Jærmuseet www.jaermuseet.no for more information.
UTSIRA LIGHTHOUSE Protected lighthouse from 1844, manned until 2004. The lighthouses are the only remaining twin towers.Continuous weather observations from 1873. Royal living room, artist's flat, gallery, coastal reporting station. 3 of the lighthouse apartments can be rented for accommodation all year round. Cafe, second hand store and tour 23.5-23.8 every day at 12-15. Contact Utsira Accommodation, tel. +47 912 42 714 or visit www.utsira.net